nature lover,
garden muse,
consciousness coach

and meanwhile even author of several books


But first:
I love to bring man and nature closer again,
to immerse man in mother nature,
to get out of their strength and calm

to be in deep balance again for everyday life.

It is also a matter of deep concern to me
the knowledge and healing arts about nature
and holistic gardening
to give to as many people as possible!
To so together one
nutritious and
deeply harmonious life
on earth for every consciousness
to create in harmony with Mother Earth.

 I love it more than anything, consciousness seekers, deep within the lap of Mother Earth
to immerse yourself in knowledge and deep intuition
to act again in a harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

My goal is to accompany people deep back to their roots in being one with Mother Earth,
by passing on knowledge and know-how about nature and holistic gardening,

but also through feeling deeply connected to Mother Earth
and yourself as a person through meditation and forest bathing/experiencing.

Because I believe that when everyone is deeply connected again,
his own needs for well-being,
of happiness
and being well fed, being breastfed,
then it’s just child’s play to create the most beautiful feel-good place in the universe together!




Sounds like

stardust and future glitter!

Far away and unapproachable for you?
It is not at all!
Because my experience shows:
Either there is a lack of know-how and how to do certain things so that they lead to fruit and harvest. Or to your own natural cosmetic products and a non-toxic home!

And you can learn all that. And simply change in small and large steps through constant implementation!

Because it’s not difficult at all, it often only requires a quick rethink and trying something new!

And it’s not just DOING and implementing that changes everything!
The first step is usually to feel!
And the questions:
„How do I really want to live?“
„What substances do I really want to keep on my body“
„How do I really get my everyday life in balance – and what might be needed at this moment?“
And the best question:
„How can it all be easy – easy to integrate into your life!

The result:
Pure well-being on all levels: body, mind and soul!
Because nature is the greatest source of power to get your body healthy or to keep it healthy!
And we all know:
It’s really fun when we feel fit and vital!
But that’s not all: being happy also means having a fulfilling life, being in touch with nature and being in harmony with yourself!
And yes: Mother Nature already has all the answers how this will work for you anyway!

That’s exactly why I don’t just give ordinary herb hikes!
Or lead you through my garden and show you how holistic gardening really works! But I let you experience the matter deeply. Through your active actions and experiences. Through your participation, trying out, tasting, smelling, creating yourself! Be it hiking, at the campfire with bread on a stick and herb butter or simply strolling through the garden and smelling the flowers that stand by the wayside!

And I love to dive deep into nature with you. To kidnap you into the spheres of your subconscious and the „other worlds“. Exactly the places where you will meet in your soul consciousness! know you deeply! And realize how everything is ONE!

The enchanting scents of the forest will make you feel it.
And you will arrive completely in yourself again.
For this moment – briefly escaped from everyday life.
And at the same time taking this experience into everyday life
Yes, it will change then – your everyday life!
Become more of what you really want to live!
Less of what stresses you out, throws you off balance.
And you will know how to change it. The forest will whisper it to you!

And feeling separate from nature
or acting „against“ your needs:
will stop!

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