Essential Oils are THE Power of plants!
They protect them for intruders and pests! Essential oils are the concentrate of immunpower of plants!


So, what does mean for us- as Human being?
In knowing we are realy similar to plants ( ok we have no green chlorophyl) these power forces can also support us!
In Health
In Wellness
In non-toxic living
and in so much more!
Now let’s create a toxin-free life with nature

You get now my big invitation to follow me on this realy deep live-changing journey of better health and wealth! learning how to make your own nature cosmetic
…preparing your own cleaning supplies
…supplying your  health and body
… feeling your body non toxic and vital
…learning about essential oils
how to get them,
from which plant you can take it
and to use it in all areas of life
Its such a live changing journey with so much joy and fun!

Current Opportunities in the black forest (German)

Lectures (online)

„Detox , inner cleaning and wight managment with essentiol oils

25.01.2023 at 20.00h

„Uplevel your immuns system“

15.02.2023 at 20.00h

„Non-toxic living“

15.03.2023 at 20.00h

ALL CALLS ARE ONLINE ON ZOOM (if desire also in English!)
included script and practical tips
Prize: 11€/person

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 …about my courses, offers ,my videos and all about nature and reconnecten?

Stay tuned and and subscribe to my newsletter without obligation. Your free subscription can be canceled immediately at any time. As a little gift you want to get this litte offer about 5 wonderul essential oil mixes! Â